Tuesday, June 22, 2004

WFRP Update 18

The heroes begin to do a thorough search of the house. Max spends most of this time protecting and comforting Dumpling Hayfoot. During this time he confirms that Iltelka has left the house in the last 5 days with a strangely dressed pale man who drank a strange liquid from many tiny vials. They were making their way towards the barren hills. The search reveals a number of semi-valuable items, including some jewelery that must have belonged to Iltelka. A number of well gnawed humanoid bones are also found, most likely the survivors of the goblin raids. Rudolpho abandons the search and comes down stairs to question the captive goblin, only to find that it has escaped it's bonds and is limping away from the house. A well placed bow shot and a few stabs with his dagger ends the goblin threat for now. Night begins to fall and the heroes secure the house and settle down for the night. Magdelaine begs Dumpling to cook, claiming that Max's cooking is barely edible. Rudolpho insists on keeping watches, but when Max takes his turns he sets up some simple traps and then goes back to sleep. In the morning Max throws the blame on Magdelaine, who can not find anyway to deflect the blame. The heroes walk back to town and sell off some of their booty. There is a bit of surprise when Magdelaine claims that two of the items found; a shield and a vial, are magical. Some good byes are said and the heroes eventually leave Grissenwald and head down river towards Kemperbad. They plan to follow Iltelka and the stranger to the Barren Hills and complete the quest that Magdelaine's teacher has laid out before them. The journey is mostly uneventful, although Magdelaine is kept very busy since Max completely abuses his position as captain and continually orders her to perform all the menial tasks he can think of.

On the second day the heroes are flagged down by another boat who has fished a strange mutant corpse out of the river. Only Elpham is brave enough to go and view the corpse. The heroes promise to pass on the information to any wardens they encounter and continue along to Kemperbad. When they arrive in Kemperbad they gather some information that Iltelka has left 2 days before them and has hired a number of followers to accompany her. Since Magdelaine is giving out too much information, she is sent back to the boat. But when a message arrives bearing the seal of a purple hand, everyone rushes back to the boat to get her to decode the message. She only agrees to read the message if Rudolpho will take over the deck swabbing for the next two weeks. Rudolpho agrees and Max begins to make a list of other chores for her to do. The note demands that the heroes turn over the 20000 crowns that they owe within days and that any attempt to leave town will be met with a slow, painful death. There is also a lock of Rudolpho's hair included in the note. After much talking and re-reading of notes, it is determined that the doppelganger that started everyone on the quest was actually a marquis of some notoriety within the purple cult. The cult obviously thinks that Rudolpho is this marquis and assume that he has something that he does not.

Rudolpho has a cunning plan to rent a room within the town and then, disguised, sneak away from the inn. It is hoped that this will allow everyone the chance to slip away from town and escape the clutches of the purple hand cult. Although the plan gets pulled off without a hitch, the heroes still have to wait until first light to leave, since piloting the boat at night is nigh impossible. As the dawn breaks and the boat pulls away from the dock, Max spies a stranger on the bank. The stranger looks at the boat and performs a series of hand gestures, similar to what Magdelaine has doen on many an occasion. Once the stranger has finished his spell, he turns and heads back towards to town. Seeing no obvious results, Max ignores the man, until he hears the cries from below deck. Rudolpho is screaming for Magdelaine. As everyone comes to see what is happening, they see that Rudolpho's hands have begun to drip a viscous purple fluid. Every attempt to stop the fluid meets with failure.

What terrible curse has befallen Rudolpho?
Will Magdelaine ever apologize for her insult towards Max's cooking?
Will Max turn in Rudolpho for some sort of reward?
Will Elpham ever get through a fight without coming close to death?

For these and other important questions join us next season for the conclusion of 'Death of a purple handed salesman'.