WFRP Update 15
Fully prepared for a journey through the woods, the heroes leave Grissenwald and head towards the Black Hills. As they are leaving the guards offer a warning to keep watch for the killer dwarfs. A 4th farm was attacked and burned during the night and it is obvious to everyone that the dwarfs were to blame.
After marching for many hours the heroes eventually arrive at the scene of the latest attack. All that is left of the once prosperous farm is a low stone wall and a chimney. The heroes search the area and come across a number of dog like tracks as well as foot prints left in the fields. With little debate the tracks are identified as belonging to goblins and wolves. The forces of chaos have been set free upon the land and are taking a toll of blood! The discovery of some crudely made arrows lend support to the theory. As night falls, the heroes bed down in the ruins of the farm house, hopeful that the goblins would not think to attack the same place twice. The night passes without incident.
As the new day dawns, the heroes continue to follow the trail into the Black Hills. A number of cunning plans are discussed and discarded until a suitable one is found. Rudolpho borrows Magdelaine's staff and hat and assumes the stance of an arrogant wizard. Max and Elpham assume the role of guards and Magdelaine sadly plays the part of a concubine who does not speak the language. The plan is that Rudolpho will be presented as a wizard seeking training in the forbidden arts. The heroes hope that the foul necromancer, Iltelka, will fall for the rouse and that they will have the upper hand when they deliver their ultimatum.
In short time the heroes are in the hills and come upon a small, stone house. It shows very few signs of age and even fewer windows. Assuming that this must be the necromancers lair, the heroes stride forward and knock loudly upon the door and announce their presence. When no answer is forthcoming, they knock again and receive a rude surprise. A small panel in the door slides open and a long, green nose is thrust into the light. A pair of red eyes glow evilly in the darkness for a few seconds before the panel slams shut and a whistle is heard blowing from within the house. Realizing that they have found a den of chaos and that the evil within is awakening the heroes begin to force their way in. Max covers everyone with his cross bow while Rudolpho coordinates the effort to break down the door. With little effort Magdelaine and Elpham knock the door in and rush forward into the house. A small corridor leads towards a circular room. The room is open to the roof and has a balcony on the second floor that looks down into the room. As Elpham and Magdelaine chase the goblin into the room, he is quickly joined by many more of his evil brethren. Evil faces appear on the balcony and wickedly sharp arrows begin to fly into the melee below. The goblins have at least three times the numbers of the heroes and have the advantage of the higher ground. And a curious site greets them; on the upper floor is a goblin, garbed in a red dress with a tiara jammed upon it's foul helmet. The beast makes a number of arcane gestures with an arrow and seems confused when there is no obvious effect. He screams something in a guttural language and begins to lose arrows towards the heroes. Although Magdelaine and Elpham are slowly cutting down the evil ones before them, the flying arrows are taking a much greater toll on them. Rudolpho and Max begin to order the others to retreat and try to clear a path to the exit. Magdelaine manages to escape from the house and then rushes back in, as if she had been bashed about the head and lost her reason. Elpham refuses to leave, but a barrage of arrows and well placed sword blows force him to slowly limp from the building. Rudolpho and Elpham run for their lives, with Magdelaine close behind. Max tries to hold the goblins back, taunting them with their inability to land a blow. Thinking that they are safe outside in the sunlight, Magdelaine sees to Elpham's wounds, while Rudolpho and Max prepare to snipe at the goblins clustering in the darkened house. But once again, the foul beasts surprise the good heroes. Defying tradition, the goblins rush into the sunlight, squinting and covering their eyes. Elpham and Magdelaine continue to move away as best they can, while Rudolpho and Max play a deadly game of tag with the green skins. After max manages to avoid a flurry of evil blows and dispatches one of the fiends, the goblins rush back into the house and bar the door.
As the heroes struggle to catch their breath they realize that once night falls the goblins will be out in force and their wolves will most likely be with them. After a quick discussion, Rudolpho is sent ahead to warn the town of what is happening. The other will make their way back
to town as fast as possible. As Rudolpho arrives in town, he warns the guards of what is really
happening at the mines. They are still unwilling to put aside their prejudices and have a difficult time believing what is happening. Talking with the town leaders goes slightly better, but the town does not have the man power to mount an offensive against the forces of evil. With total disregard for his life, Rudolpho enters the Dwarf shanty town and seeks out their leader. Within minutes he has them convinced that the goblins are to blame and offers them an alliance. They dismiss him and begin to discuss the idea.
Meanwhile, the others have finally arrived in the town and Magdelaine and Elpham go seeking a surgeon. After many hours of stitching they are in much better health. The heroes gather in the tavern, waiting to see if the dwarfs are willing to fight for their honor and wondering at the fate of Iltelka. Had she been transformed into a goblin; was she working with them; or has she fallen to their evil ways? The answer was waiting for them somewhere behind a wall of green skinned murderers.
After marching for many hours the heroes eventually arrive at the scene of the latest attack. All that is left of the once prosperous farm is a low stone wall and a chimney. The heroes search the area and come across a number of dog like tracks as well as foot prints left in the fields. With little debate the tracks are identified as belonging to goblins and wolves. The forces of chaos have been set free upon the land and are taking a toll of blood! The discovery of some crudely made arrows lend support to the theory. As night falls, the heroes bed down in the ruins of the farm house, hopeful that the goblins would not think to attack the same place twice. The night passes without incident.
As the new day dawns, the heroes continue to follow the trail into the Black Hills. A number of cunning plans are discussed and discarded until a suitable one is found. Rudolpho borrows Magdelaine's staff and hat and assumes the stance of an arrogant wizard. Max and Elpham assume the role of guards and Magdelaine sadly plays the part of a concubine who does not speak the language. The plan is that Rudolpho will be presented as a wizard seeking training in the forbidden arts. The heroes hope that the foul necromancer, Iltelka, will fall for the rouse and that they will have the upper hand when they deliver their ultimatum.
In short time the heroes are in the hills and come upon a small, stone house. It shows very few signs of age and even fewer windows. Assuming that this must be the necromancers lair, the heroes stride forward and knock loudly upon the door and announce their presence. When no answer is forthcoming, they knock again and receive a rude surprise. A small panel in the door slides open and a long, green nose is thrust into the light. A pair of red eyes glow evilly in the darkness for a few seconds before the panel slams shut and a whistle is heard blowing from within the house. Realizing that they have found a den of chaos and that the evil within is awakening the heroes begin to force their way in. Max covers everyone with his cross bow while Rudolpho coordinates the effort to break down the door. With little effort Magdelaine and Elpham knock the door in and rush forward into the house. A small corridor leads towards a circular room. The room is open to the roof and has a balcony on the second floor that looks down into the room. As Elpham and Magdelaine chase the goblin into the room, he is quickly joined by many more of his evil brethren. Evil faces appear on the balcony and wickedly sharp arrows begin to fly into the melee below. The goblins have at least three times the numbers of the heroes and have the advantage of the higher ground. And a curious site greets them; on the upper floor is a goblin, garbed in a red dress with a tiara jammed upon it's foul helmet. The beast makes a number of arcane gestures with an arrow and seems confused when there is no obvious effect. He screams something in a guttural language and begins to lose arrows towards the heroes. Although Magdelaine and Elpham are slowly cutting down the evil ones before them, the flying arrows are taking a much greater toll on them. Rudolpho and Max begin to order the others to retreat and try to clear a path to the exit. Magdelaine manages to escape from the house and then rushes back in, as if she had been bashed about the head and lost her reason. Elpham refuses to leave, but a barrage of arrows and well placed sword blows force him to slowly limp from the building. Rudolpho and Elpham run for their lives, with Magdelaine close behind. Max tries to hold the goblins back, taunting them with their inability to land a blow. Thinking that they are safe outside in the sunlight, Magdelaine sees to Elpham's wounds, while Rudolpho and Max prepare to snipe at the goblins clustering in the darkened house. But once again, the foul beasts surprise the good heroes. Defying tradition, the goblins rush into the sunlight, squinting and covering their eyes. Elpham and Magdelaine continue to move away as best they can, while Rudolpho and Max play a deadly game of tag with the green skins. After max manages to avoid a flurry of evil blows and dispatches one of the fiends, the goblins rush back into the house and bar the door.
As the heroes struggle to catch their breath they realize that once night falls the goblins will be out in force and their wolves will most likely be with them. After a quick discussion, Rudolpho is sent ahead to warn the town of what is happening. The other will make their way back
to town as fast as possible. As Rudolpho arrives in town, he warns the guards of what is really
happening at the mines. They are still unwilling to put aside their prejudices and have a difficult time believing what is happening. Talking with the town leaders goes slightly better, but the town does not have the man power to mount an offensive against the forces of evil. With total disregard for his life, Rudolpho enters the Dwarf shanty town and seeks out their leader. Within minutes he has them convinced that the goblins are to blame and offers them an alliance. They dismiss him and begin to discuss the idea.
Meanwhile, the others have finally arrived in the town and Magdelaine and Elpham go seeking a surgeon. After many hours of stitching they are in much better health. The heroes gather in the tavern, waiting to see if the dwarfs are willing to fight for their honor and wondering at the fate of Iltelka. Had she been transformed into a goblin; was she working with them; or has she fallen to their evil ways? The answer was waiting for them somewhere behind a wall of green skinned murderers.