Wednesday, June 09, 2004

WFRP Update 16

Max and Rudolpho slowly drink their beers, waiting to see if the dwarfs are willing to stand up for their honor and fight along side the heroes. As the night progresses, the dwarfs slowly funnel in, drawn by the promise of free booze. Soon, the beer was flowing freely and the dwarfs
were drinking heavily. Rudolpho gathered their attention and launched into the first of many speeches. He talked about the dwarven honor and the terrible deeds that the goblins are committing in their name. Many times he is nearly drowned out by the roars of encouragement and agreement coming from the dwarfs. But talk, unlike the beer, is cheap, and the light of day will show how many of these dwarfs retain their honor when they regain their sobriety.

It is almost noon before the various supplies are assembled by the main gate. The guards are eager to point out another column of smoke staining the horizon and once again warn the heroes of the follies of using the dwarfs as allies. Eventually 5 figures come staggering out of the shanty town that has grown up outside of the city. 5 dwarfs have remembered their promises and retained enough honor to accompany the heroes on their journey.

The group begins it's trek to the Black Hills. They stop to investigate the scene of the latest attack. Once again the obvious sign of goblins are smeared over every surface. Thinking that it would be best to attack fully rested, the group camps out in the same wrecked farmhouse that they had spent their first night in. The night mostly passes uneventfully, but just before dawn the goblins let loose their fury. As Max and a dwarf are peering into the darkness, a volley of arrows stream from the darkness and impale themselves in the dwarf. He joins his ancestors as the goblins, astride their wolf mounts, charge the campsite. Max begins firing at the foul beasts, commanding his companions to awake. Within moments the entire camp is awake and ready for battle. However, the goblins find their mark again and another dwarf falls into the arms of his ancestors, while only a single goblin is dispatched to the grave. Suddenly the goblins retreat into the darkness. Magdelaine summons forth a ball of light that allows Max enough light to try and bind some of the various wounds. Elpham continues to trade blows with an enraged wolf while the dwarfs begin to fire their crossbows into the darkness. Their shots are returned in kind as volley after volley of goblin arrows speed forth from the darkness. Although the curses of the dwarfs and the incoming arrows show that the goblins are still out there, none of the heroes are able to see the foul beasts. As another dwarf falls to the arrows, Max seizes on a desperate plan. He gathers a trio of torches and begins to hurl them into the night, following the flight of the dwarfs bolts. Rudolpho does the same, while Elpham charges into the darkness, cursing as only a dwarf can. As the torches land they dimly illuminate the goblin laden wolfs slowly circling around the ruins. Magdelaine summons forth her magic and causes one of the torches to flare into a bonfire, scorching those goblins closest to it. Rudolpho and Max, now being able to see their targets, let loose their arrows and begin to drop the goblins from the saddles. Elpham, having found 4 goblins, screams for assistance and begins to hack his way into them. The remaining two dwarfs rush to his aide. As Max and Rudolpho drop goblins, the wolves scatter and rush into the night. Meanwhile, Elpham becomes surrounded by the goblins and quickly lays waste to them all. They fall before his flail like wheat before a farmers scythe. In seconds the 9 goblins have become 2 and they quickly flee into the night.

Dawn comes quickly and the group surveys the carnage. 3 dwarfs have joined their ancestors and 8 of the goblins have been scourged from the earth. Elpham and the dwarf gather some of the goblin's ears and display their heads on whatever improvised pikes they can find. Much resting is done and many wounds are bandaged. The group rests in the ruins until noon is fully upon them. Picking up their weapons, they resume their march towards the Black Hills and the home of Iltelka. A prayer to their gods follows them, asking that their next encounter does not extract such a high price.


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