Thursday, April 01, 2004

WFRP Update 7.5

Rudolpho and Elpham scramble over the wall and into the street. The press of bodies around them insulates them from the guards and carries them away from the carefully laid trap. Eventually they make their way back towards the docks and conceal themselves in a shadow and watch the boat.

After ducking and dodging around many people, Max eventually manages to hide himself under a fisherman's cart. From there he watched as the guards marched Magdelaine off to jail. Not wanting to abandon his companion, but realizing that he could not defeat the guards he started to circle back towards the boat.

After sometime the three companions noticed each other and rejoined forces. Rudolpho was insistent that they pack their things and leave town as soon as possible, but Max stoically refused to leave with out Magdelaine.
Realizing that they could no longer walk openly in the streets, they came up with a daring plan. Choosing their moment carefully, they stole onto the boat and gathered their possessions. Warning Joseph that trouble might be following them they bid goodbye and arranged for a cover story. Everyone was hopeful that they would meet again under most auspicious circumstances. The three companions then made their way to the barrel that they had previously marked. Acting quickly, they left a picture of a pair of crossed pikes and then journeyed across the city to the crossed pikes inn. They hoped that Magdelaine would be smart enough to check the barrel and decipher the clue and meet them later. However, not wanting to trust to fate, they enlisted the help of Rudolpho's contact in the inn. For a small sum, they arranged for the jail to be watched and the movements of Magdelaine to be reported to them.
Having no other option, they settled in to await either word of the fate of Magdelaine or the night to fall and the evil ceremony to begin.

It had not been a good day.....and the night did not hold much promise for improving.


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