Tuesday, January 27, 2004


So here is as much as I can remember about the game and it's set up.

We are using the D20 modern system, so there are 6 base classes. Each class has most of their abilities based off of a stat and it should be the stat that is best. These classes have a number of abilities that work in well with the theme of the class. The tough hero (con based) can gain toughness and can continue to function with negative hit points. The fast hero (dex based) gets many of the evasion abilities, and so on.

The world is based on the Warhammer Fantasy Role playing game. The world is basically europe and vaguely medieval. There are some non humans and in some areas technology is really advanced. It is even possible to buy black powder weapons in some places. There is no good or evil in this world; everyone is struggling to survive with the ever present threat of Chaos. The forces of Chaos hate all life and just want to kill everything. Of course, there are organizations dedicated to combating these chaotic forces, such as the Witch hunters. And these organizations usually do whatever they feel will give them the quickest results.

Our stats were generated in a strange way. Dave grabbed a deck of cards, and pulled out everything except ace through 6. Then we shuffled the cards, declared a stat and pulled 4 cards, declared another stat and drew another 4 cards. Eventually you had 6 piles of 4 cards. You then pulled out the lowest card in each stack and totaled up the numbers and those were your stats. If there was over 10 'points' among the cards that were pulled out, you got to add 1 to any stat and you could switch 2 numbers. Everyone ended up with at least one high stat. The rest of the numbers were either about average or split between high and low.

So then we picked our class (strong hero, tough hero, etc) and our character type (fighter, rogue, academic or ranger). Then we rolled on the big chart, which gave us our background. This gave us a number of skills and special feats that we used to make our characters. The background chart also gave us some extra equipment and some minor bonuses.

So after all that we have;
Colin playing Rudolpho Ziegler, a charismatic hero who used to be a road warden. He's everyone's friend, but is not above stealing and bribery. He decided to quit the warden position because they decided to investigate his extra income.

Aaron playing Elpam Anavrinathor, a dwarvish tough hero who used to be a bodyguard. He has not said why he has decided to leave the body guard business.

Monica playing Magdelaine Sandos von Barbie, a smart hero who pursued the position of scribe. She is traveling with us all to see the world and fulfill some training so that she can become a wizard. She speaks many languages and is also the only one of the group who is literate.

Myself, playing Maximillian Pelz Fube, a halfling who was recently a smuggler. Some problem up river has cut down on the smuggling business and he is looking for other work.

So the characters are out of work and looking for some way to make somemoney. It turns out that Magdelaine found a notice stating that the prince(?) of the capital, Altdorf, needs a group of experienced adventurers to accompany him on his trip to the grey mountains. He is willing to pay 20 gold crowns a day per person, or more if the people are experienced.
20 crowns a day is a hideous sum of money, so this sparks our interest. Altdorf is a long way off and traveling through the woods at night is not a good idea. However, there are coaches that travel between the cities so we decided to catch a coach to Altdorf. But, catching a coach in the city is expensive. One can usually negotiate a better deal if you pick up a coach at one of the many coaching inns. So, the heroes set off down the road, intent on reaching the first of the coaching inns. After a long and boring walk they reach the coach and horses inn.

At the inn we meet the coachmen and Rudolpho does an excellent job of negotiating a deal, only 3 crowns each. Rudolpho tells the rest of us that it is 4 crowns each, thus making his ride free. Maximillian steals the 4 crowns from Rudolpho, thus making his trip free. The coachmen proceed to drink their asses off and are in no shape to make the trip in the morning. With some prodding from the heroes and some well applied buckets of water, they eventually get the coah moving down the road. Traveling with us are some snobby noble scholar, who has steadfastly refused to talk with any of us. There is also Philip De Cart, a foppish gambler from some other country/province. He is an excellent card player and took even more money off of Rudolpho. There is also a lady of some type, with her maid and their body guard. Although the body guard plays rough, we all know that she has feelings for Rudolpho. Hopefully the trip will allow those feelings to come out.

And so, our guides, Gunar and Holtz, while extremely hung over, manage to start us on our journey to Altdorf and fame and fortune.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is simply a test comment to prove to myself that various options are working.

I'm also testing the visual aspect of the comments, especially the bold tags, Italics and underline (not allowed).

I wonder what will happen in the next exciting session?

Monday, August 08, 2005 2:26:00 p.m.  

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